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나만빼고 다들쓰는 무료악기

by 어거스트30 2024. 1. 3.

NI 역대급 무료악기
힙합, 알앤비에 쓰기 좋은
보컬 사운드가 많음!
지금 남들 다씀



THE GLAZE STORY Discover the story behind GLAZE and how it developed from a secret tool in Sauce and Rochad’s vocal engineering workflow into a part of the Play Series.


EP, 벨소리, 윈드우드 등
총 6개를 무료로 받을 수 있음
힙합, 알앤비 개꿀템
컨탁이 있어야 돌아감


Flux Mini 2
필터 효과를 이용해
다양한 연출이 가능
사이드 체인 먹이기도 쉽움
신스, 베이스, 드럼에 걸면 꿀


Caelum Audio

Flux Mini 2 is an audio effect that adds life, character and dynamism to your tracks. The customisable graph creates a shape which can be used to modulate filter cutoff, filter resonance, amplitude and mix. Just create a shape on the graph and set your des


Scratch Pad
로파이 만들 때 레알 꿀템
다양한 사운드와 이펙트가
내장되어 있음
사운드 디자인하기 개꿀



Patent Sounds - Scratch Pad [Free Vst Plugin]

This is Scratchpad. A totally free VST Instrument plugin developed by Patent Sounds. This plugin was built with LOFI in mind however the sounds included are going to complement almost any genre of music well. Dark Beat Demo 1:    Dark Beat Demo 2:   


이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.